Ticket Booking

Odisha’s largest brand for online flight, train, and bus ticket booking

Railway Ticket Booking

IRCTC is one of the biggest E commerce platform in the world through which 5 lakh tickets are issued daily. IRCTC website receives a staggering 10 lakh visitors daily which makes it one of the top 20 most visited sites in India. IRCTC has a record of booking 13.46 lakh tickets in a single day on 1st April 2015. A massive 1830.22 lakh E-tickets were booked in 2014-15 through IRCTC.

Flight Ticket Booking

Flight Booking service made much easier and flexible with our Cloud Flight Booking Engine. Designed & Developed after thorough research and analysing of different available Flight Booking Engine in the industry. Our Engineers & Business Research departments have spent more than a year to make a better platform than existing.

Bus Ticket Booking

With more than 500 bus routes spread across Odisha and integration with over 300 bus operators, Make Richi travels online bus reservation system is simpler and smarter. It provides you a wide range of facilities, right from choosing your pickup point to your preferred choice of seat (for instance, luxury buses with sleeper berths). You can also choose from the widest range of available buses like Mercedes, Volvo, Volvo AC, AC luxury, Deluxe, Sleeper, Express and other private buses. The payment options are easier too- you can use either debit/credit card facility or net-banking.

Don't miss out on these incredible offers, book your tickets now and travel with convenience and affordability.


122-A, Station Square, Station Square, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751001

Working Hours

8:30 AM - 7:00 PM




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